Sold [Global] Lvl 105 Endgame Arena/CB Focused Account | 28k Jewels |

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Krizzf, 8/3/21.

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  1. Krizzf

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    Lvl 105, 553K Total Power, 60mil+ Mana
    All Jewels are on Android, 24338 Free Jewels + 3650 Premium Jewels + 8000(Top 25 CB coming)
    Divine Amulets: 1360
    No Units Bricked
    Account will be maintained until sold
    Asking Price: 150$ USD, can negotiate
    Payment Method: Paypal FNF

    if you are interested or have any questions dm me on discord at Krizz#0039
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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