Sold Global lv 83 Legend Tier Account

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zcrim, 7/11/16.

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  1. zcrim

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    Price $:
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    Global account selling for $700 usd, just the rubies and topaz is worth it. Account will be kept playing until it is bought.

    Able to reach top 50 arena weekly, able to get top 3 dmg in raid most of the times in 1 try, able to do 2mil+ (1 more cr point than doing 1mil) in normal cr in 4 days of the week.

    Rubies: 5706
    Topaz: 1269
    Gold: 39 mil

    Tower level: 120, saving for selector
    Fina: 2
    Hero Slot: 204 (alot of rubies spent)
    Item Slot: 115
    Masteries all unlocked
    Formation all maxed
    Proserity Package not bought

    1 6star hero selector in mail unlimited time

    Unequip physcial weapons: 25% speed x1, 26% speed x1, 32% crit x5, 32% lethal x5, 27% speed x8

    Unequip magical weapons: 32% lethal x3, 32% crit x2, 27% speed x7

    Unequip armors: 960 hp x2, 990 hp x2, 900 hp x2, 32% block x6, 32% counter x2, 1050 hp x9

    Unequip jewels: 6 6stars, 17 5stars


    Lv 40 Ace +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% block, 1050 hp, 20% crit rate jewel, 20% block rate jewel, 30% life steal jewel, 10% block rate accessory

    Lv 38 Elieene +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 1050 hp, 32% block, 20% crit rate jewel, 30% life steal jewel, 20% block rate jewel, 10% block rate accessory

    Lv 36 Rudy +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 1050 hp, 30% block, 20% damage jewel, 20% counter jewel, 30% life steal jewel, 5% counter accessory

    Lv 36 Dellon+5 gold unlock with 27% speed, 24% speed, 32% counter, 900 hp, 15% crit rate jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 36 Wukong +5 silver unlock with 32% crit, 900 hp

    Lv 34 Jave +5, 32% crit, 1050 hp

    Lv 32 Lubu +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 15% counter jewel, 15% damage jewel, 15% crit rate jewel, 10% paralyze accessory

    Lv 32 Spike +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 1050hp x2

    Lv 32 Rachel +5 gold unlock with 30% crit, 32% crit, 32% block, 900 hp

    Lv 30 teo +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 10% remove active buff accessory

    6 Star Normal heroes: Not gonna bother mentioning 5stars and below

    Lv 40 Giparang +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 20% damage jewel, 20% lethal jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 10% stun accessory

    Lv 40 Yushin +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 1050hp x2, 20% damage jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 40 Guan Yu +5 gold unlock with 27% speed, 32% lethal, 840hp, 32% block, 20% lethal jewel, 20% counter jewel, 25% crit damage jewel

    Lv 40 Lina +5 gold unlock with 24% speed x2, 900 hp, 32% block, 20% block rate jewel, 20% lethal jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 40 Aragon +5 gold unlock with 32% crit rate, 30% crit rate, 1050 hp, 29% block, 20% crit rate jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 20% damage jewel

    Lv 40 Alice +5 gold unlock with 24% speed, 27% speed, 900hp, 32% block, 20% block rate jewel, 15% crit rate jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 40 Black Rose +5 gold unlock with, 27% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 20% crit rate jewel, 20% damage jewel, 20% counter jewel, 10% electrify accessory

    Lv 40 Shane +5 gold unlock with 32% lethal x2, 30% counter, 32% counter, 20% lethal jewel, 20% damage jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 10% life steal accessory

    Lv 40 Nia +5 gold unlock 27% speed, 25% speed, 32% counter x2, 20% damage jewel, 20% crit rate jewel, 20% counter jewel

    Lv 40 Ruri +5 gold unlock with 24% speed x2, 840 hp, 30% counter

    Lv 40 May +5 gold unlock with 30% crit, 32% crit, 30% block, 900hp, 15% block jewel, 22% life steal jewel, 15% lethal jewel

    Lv 40 Velika +5 gold unlock with 25% speed, 24% speed, 900hp, 32% block, 20% damage jewel, 20% block rate, 20% crit rate

    Lv 40 Lucy +5 gold unlock with 27% speed, 25% speed, 32% block rate, 900hp, 15% crit rate jewel, 20% block rate jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 40 Victoria with 30% crit rate, 900 hp

    Lv 38 Lee jung +5 gold unlock with 24% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 15% counter jewel, 15% lethal jewel, 30% life steal jewel, 10% life steal accessory

    Lv 38 Xiao +5

    Lv 38 Soi +5 gold unlock

    Lv 38 Daisy +5 gold unlock with 32% crit, 32% lethal, 1050 hp, 29% block

    Lv 38 Yuri +5 silver unlock with 27% speed, 900 hp

    Lv 38 Ming Ming +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% block, 900hp, 20% crit rate jewel, 30% life steal jewel, 30% crit damage jewel

    Lv 38 Sieg +5 gold unlock with 24% speed x2, 32% block, 960 hp, 15% damage jewel, 30% crit damage jewel, 30% life steal jewel

    Lv 38 Espada +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% block, 900 hp

    Lv 36 Bidadm +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% counter x2, 20% damage jewel,, 15% counter jewel, 12% crit rate jewel, 10% electrify accessory

    Lv 36 Evan +5 gold unlock

    Lv 34 Karin +5 gold unlock, 27% speed x2, 960 hp

    Lv 34 Jin, 32% lethal, 32% block

    Lv 36 Flower Rice Cake (Transcend for topaz)

    Lv 32 Karon +5 gold unlock with 27% speed x2, 32% block, 960 hpLv 34 Knox

    Lv 32 Feng Yan +5

    Lv 34 Knox

    Lv 32 Joker

    Lv 32 Rania

    Lv 32 Bai Long

    Lv 32 Diao Chan

    Lv 32 Chancellor

    Lv 32 Rook

    Lv 30 Yui

    Lv 30 Ling Ling

    Lv 30 Mao Song

    Lv 30 Zhao Yun

    Lv 30 Nezha

    Lv 30 Heavenia

    Lv 30 Sylvia

    Lv 30 Jupy

    Lv 30 Jane

    Ask me any question you want to know that I have not posted here and I will add it. Leave message here or line. Line id is zcrim.
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  2. PlayerUp

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  5. Middleman

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