Selling  High End Global KHUX Pro account for sale (easily top 1K coli)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brusht, 6/25/18.

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  1. Brusht

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    A high end KHUX account able to get you into top 1K of coli and get you gold and silver medals in PvP. Selling because it just takes up too many time for me to keep up.

    Few noteworthy medals:
    Prime - Key Art #17 - Ground Enemy DEF -60%, damage in raids +40%, +1K Str
    HD Xion - Ground Enemy DEF -60%, +1K Str
    Illustrated Aqua B - Ground Enemy DEF -60%, damage in raids +40%
    Valor Genie - Ground Enemy DEF -60%
    Saix B - Ground Enemy DEF -60%
    Also 2 copy medals that are 7*.

    Also have 3 medals with Defense Boost III Max and 13 Fantasy Mickey B's.

    Fairy Stars +35.8
    Divine Rose +32
    Darkgnaw +28
    Sleeping Lion +27
    All other keyblades are either +25 or +26.

    I've been playing since the start, so not only will you have a low playedID (4 digits), but also access to various old medals and avatar parts.

    A small selection of avatar parts available:
    New Beast (male)
    KH II Sora (Male)
    King Mickey (Male)
    Hades (Male)
    Captain Goofy (Male)
    Captain Goofy (Female)
    KH III Sora (Male)
    Unicornis armor
    Genie Balloon
    Most, if not all, Organization XIII haircuts.
    Various other event and ranking avatar parts that are no longer available.

    At the moment of writing I also have 4 Tier 7 Blue fairy medals and 3 Tier 8 Blue fairy medals, meaning the account is pretty close to leveling up more high tier medals to 7*.

    I will link the account to a different facebook. account which I will give to you when I have the money. Feel free to contact me for any more details and to proof that I actually own this account. Payment through Paypal.
    #1 Brusht, 6/25/18
    Last edited: 6/25/18
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  2. PlayerUp

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