Selling  Global KHUx account with so many EX medals

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Evolver, 1/19/18.

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  1. Evolver

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    I'm selling my lv 300 KHUx NA/Global account for 100$.
    Here are the images of medals, Keyblades, my profile, quests.

    EX medals:
    Illustrated Xion [EX] (boosted, 3 dots) + Second Chance II
    Dual Wield Roxas [EX] (Guilted, 200%) + Attack Boost V Max
    HD King Mickey [EX] (Guilted, 200%) + Attack Boost V Max
    Illustrated Marluxia [EX]
    HD Ira [EX]
    HD Invi [EX]
    HD Gula [EX]

    Best coliseum ranking: 1750.
    Best solo ranking: 164.

    Other medals:
    Launchpad McQuack (guilted, 200%) + 2 traits STR+1000
    Illustrated Neku (guilted, 180%) + ATK Boost IV Max & Lux+
    Destroyer Behemoth (guilted, 130%) + ATK B IV & GA 0
    HD Larxene (Guilted, 200%)
    Webby Vanderquack (5 dots)
    358/2 Days Black Coat Riku (5 dots)
    Illustrated Terra (5 dots)
    KH 0.2 King Mickey A (4 dots)
    HD Ursula (4 dots)
    HD Final Form Sora (3 dots)
    KH 0.2 Terra (2 dots) + Attack Boost V Max
    Illustrated Kairi (2 dots)
    Final Boss Xion (2 dots)
    HD Riku (2 dots)
    Illustrated Sephiroth (2 dots)
    HD Antiform Sora (2 dots)
    Hercules B (1 dot)
    Illustrated Halloween Donald (1 dot)
    Tifa & Aerith (1 dot)
    Maleficent (Dragon) (1 dot)
    HD Xion + ATK B V & Lux+
    Illustrated Riku B
    HD Roxas
    And a loooot more.

    Make your offer.

    Then, to proceed you have to send the payment on my PayPal account.
    Be sure you'll pay for "goods and services" (not "friends and family"), so you can protect yourself if you don't have any faith. When I'll receive the payment, I'll give to you the Facebook. account tied to the KHUx account and email account tied to the Facebook. account. (Then you may change Username/Password of the Facebook. account and the email account, to protect yourself).

    Instructions: be sure you logged off your current KHUx account. You can do it eliminating the KHUx app from your phone, then re-downloading it and then importing the KHUx account connecting the Facebook. account I gave to you.
    #1 Evolver, 1/19/18
    Last edited: 1/19/18
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