(Global IOS) level230 account. Check it

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by regalO10, 11/25/16.

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  1. regalO10

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    I put a lot of time and money into account and I'm running short on both of them which is why I need to sell it. It'll free up time and I'm hoping to make at least 1/3 of what I spent on this game for summons or item/unit capacities. 100$ OBO. No paypal, looking for half iTunes and half PlayStation card but will take full PlayStation card. HMU on line for quickest response. Will provide pictures at request through line. Lastly, there is still plenty to do on account in terms of quests, fg, fh, ggc, gq, etc. Line ID: RO10
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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