Sold [Global] High End 2B MLB + A2 MLB + lots of 4 star charactors

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jay0326, 9/15/21.

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  1. Jay0326

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    Selling this High End account lv 105

    4 Stars Units:

    A2 MLB
    2B MLB
    2P 80
    Mech Akeha 80
    Celebratory Gayle 80
    Celebratory Noelle 75
    Celebratory Griff 80
    9S 75
    Summer Akeha 70
    Divergent Emil 70
    Divergent World-Ender 70
    Celebratory Fio MLB
    Abstract 063y 70
    Mechanical Rion 75
    Abstract Dimos 70
    Simulacrum Fio 70
    Abstract Argo 70
    Abstract Rion 80
    Abstract F66x 75
    Mechanical Fio 70
    Celebratory Argo 70
    Abstract Gayle 70
    Abstract Fio 80
    Divergent Kaine75

    Payment : Paypal FnF/ Bank...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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