The account are connected to Crunchyroll and emty FB acc. Princess arena best rank 135 and battle arena best rank 62 (so more gems available) All hard/normal stages unlocked (169/169. 36/36) Characters unlocked 47 (most 5/4* rank 9, full upgraded equip): 5* (Yukari,Ninon,Nozomi,Saren,Kaori,Rino,Maho,Miyako,Mitsuki) 4* (Monika,Jun,Tamaki,Kuka,Makoto,Shiori,Mimi,Akari,Hatsune,Shizuru) 3* (Arisa,Kyoka,Kokkoro,Lima,Yuki,Yui,Io,) + all available 1/2stars Missing: Akino (almost ready to unlock)... [Global] Endgame LVL 98 Account