Sold Global Endgame Juno/Hart/Mako/Asirpa/Saitama and more

Discussion in 'Grand Summoners Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NoEngrish, 7/5/22.

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  1. NoEngrish

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    Allow me to go over this account in details,
    This account is currently at 825 login days rank 166 as of this post and I'm still maintaining the account. This account is able to take on all end games stages, challenges and destroy people in raids. Currently I was last on floor 28 of DoT and this account is able to afk crest farm to easily get 4+

    I have provided an imgur link to show what the account has to offer but if you need anything else shoot me a pm

    Some notable units that account has is Luck 69 Juno as well as Saitama for light nukes (Yes there dfen and forte with great equips) Vox, Asirpa, Rimuru, Miranda, Thetis, Hart and Mako all units displayed in screenshots

    This account also has many true weapons and equips so feel free to check out!

    Discord: NoEngrish#0069

    Line: NoEngrish

    You can PM here or DM me offers on Discord, If I miss your friend request feel free to leave a message here!

    Send me offers I accept only PayPal

    #1 NoEngrish, 7/5/22
    Last edited: 7/5/22
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  2. UnlimitedB

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    Clean deal, Reliable and trustworthy seller.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    NoEngrish likes this.
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