Sold [Global] End Game Acc - 470k Pwr - 36k jewels +4.5k from cb - lots of 5 | 85

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Metalbomber, 8/8/21.

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  1. Metalbomber

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    Selling my Priconne Account.
    Price: $85 - Paypal Family & Friends only

    Account infos:
    - Lvl 105
    - 471k Total Power
    - 36.5k Jewels + 4.5k from last CB once distributed
    - 1k+ Divine Amulets
    - Most important Characters for CB are 5*
    - only missing 2 Characters currently (Io, Kyoka)

    I'll keep playing until the Account is sold!

    Contact: DM or...

    [Global] End Game Acc - 470k Pwr - 36k jewels +4.5k from cb - lots of 5* | $85
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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