Sold [Global] Dream Account 700 Unit/640 Item space FILLED with exclusives

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by goYugiohPro, 3/12/17.

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  1. goYugiohPro

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    I no longer have time to play so I'm selling this account. I am a well known professional poker player who has handled tens of thousands of dollars in player trades so you can trust me fully. Or I can arrange a middleman service for 100% peace of mind.

    Level: 380
    Summoner Level: 18 (cleared up to Vilanciel Map 4)
    Gems: 3+ (more as I wait for a buyer)
    Summon Tickets: 1
    Arena Rank: Emperor
    HR Rank: 25

    Unit Space: 700
    Item Space: 640

    Omni Units: 28
    Rain + Fina
    Azurai + Avant + Shura + Lauda (max Frontier Hunter)
    Zelnite (full XP build)
    Ark + Allanon
    Alice + Elza
    Galtier + Juno Seto (insane Colisseum)
    Multiple Mifunes Squad (fast Imp/Metal farm)
    Lyonesse + Rozalia (Trials)

    Omni Capable: 13
    Seria/Karl/Lugina/Paris/Tillith/All Trial Units

    All Trials Complete
    Strategy Zone 001- incomplete
    All GGC Complete except most recent (A Master's Wisdom)


    Many unique spheres including recent KOTF and Winter spheres


    Many exclusive Bundle Elgifs

    Screenshot 1 (Omni):
    Screenshot 2 (7*):

    Please PM me with any offers or questions. Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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