It's not that I am over Brave Frontier but I am simply just moving onto another account. This is my first and only bf account by far. Won't be taking any trades since having two accounts will be too much for me soon >_<)/ Omni units+potential Ensa-Taya (Oracle +Brave Jubilation) Azurai (L) Zero (A) & (O) Avant (A) Hisui (A) Krantz (G) & (A) Melord (B) Zekt (G) Kulyuk (G) Rengaku (A) Shura (B) Malef (A) Selena (A) Vern (A) Azami (A) Mariela (B) Rize (A) Daze (B) Silas (G) Fizz (B) Lara (G) Garrel (B) Kalon (A) x2 Charlotte (L) (Obviously x3 ) Allonon (B) Nyami (A) Tridon (A) Zenia (O) Ciara (A) Alice (G) Magress (B) Eze (A) Vargas (A) Lance (A) Mifune (A) Quaid (A) Ark (L) Notable units Korzan (B) Avani (A)x2 Nyala (A) Haile (G) Zedus (G) Ultor (G) Aurelia (A) Hadaron (B) FH and FG have been played often. CGC has rarely been touched. Current arena rank : Master. As you can see, I mainly login in to pull for new units >_<)/ All raids and spheres have been done. You just have to finish CGC... I got lazy for a bit, lol. Should be easy with the current units and sphere equips. Also, there are some extra rare level 7 elgifs if you want to use them (I have been waiting to use them on nami, allonon, and tridon OE XD ).