Selling Global Agenda | Steam | DDO Vip - Looking for F2P account.

Discussion in 'Global Agenda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hello, I've recently started to get more interested in F2P gaming and therefor are looking to trade some of my accounts for a decent F2P game account. This is what I have aviable.

    Global Agenda

    Subscriber Account with almost a whole month of playtime left, contains some low end characters as I really never got that much into it.

    12 Recon

    13 Medic

    Steam Account 1

    Contains the following games, and have good VAC standing.

    - CS

    - CS.S

    - Killing Floor

    - TF 2

    - Portal

    - HalfLife 2 + all Episodes (expansions)

    - Flatout 2

    - CS Condition Zero + Deleted Scenes

    Steam Account 2

    Contains the following games, account in good VAC standing.

    - Left 4 Dead 2

    - Arma 2

    Dungeons & Dragons Online VIP

    As the titel says this is a VIP account, or subscribers account as I prefer to call it. Meaning that it contains some things that F2P players wont have acces to. Including the Monk class and a race not aviable otherwise, aswell as free missions that F2P gamers have to purchase from points earned ingame. You also recive monthly DDO points should you decide to continue paying the monthly fee, otherwise you will still have the classes and races of the VIP if you do not continue paying for it.

    The account contains a level 3 Monk and a level 3 cleric (max level is 20)


    What Im Looking For

    Im looking for a euro sided F2P game account, containing a decent or highend character. I will be fine with going first if you have good feedback and reputation on here, and you should post in this topic before contacting me.

    What im NOT looking for

    Sidescrollers such as Maplestory and games in that category.


    Runes of Magic.


    how many digits is your steam account 1
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