Sold Global Account Lvl 64 4.3k IGN sXyHaya. Looking for 300~ $

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hayatiko, 1/11/17.

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  1. Hayatiko

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    Hey all, looking to sell my account after a year and a month of playing, as the game has become bland and time consuming to me and I can't seem to keep up anymore.

    I can currently make masters maintaining about a 70% win rate through expert without spamming rubies, using a tank team.

    Raid clears are respectably good, if I manual, I hit about 2.3m on 99, auto's hover around 1.4m - 1.7m (All atk buff)

    Currently in the guild Lucent, but once a good offer is found I will leave the guild, hand over the account once the settled amount is given, and it'll be to your free will.

    The account has many perf raid equips along with many awakened, about 25~ perf speed and maybe 13~ perf HP armors.

    As the making of this post, the rubies and topaz currently in it are quite lacking, but I'll actively farm and update as needed.

    Now as for the units...

    Teo 40
    Ace 40
    Dellons 40 (I have an extra copy sitting at 4*)
    Sun Wukong 40
    Rudy 38
    Rin 36
    Spike 36
    Kris 34
    Rachel 34 (Can be 36, will get to it.)
    Eileene 34
    Jave 34
    Karma 30
    (Also a 36 Jam for what it matters.)
    I also have 2 copies of Klahan, which I will get to 32 and awaken asap.
    I also only have one copy of lubu, I always used lubu's for 4L synth and that's how I got 2 of my rins.

    Awk. Evan 40 +9
    Awk. Karin 40 +5
    Pascal 40
    Yu Shin 40
    Bai Jiao 40
    Lina 40
    Sera 40
    Sieg 40
    Shane 40
    Espada 40
    Velika 40
    Karon 40
    Giparang 40
    Lee Jung 40
    Black Rose 40
    Ruri 40
    Jupy 40
    Asura 38
    Da Qiao 38
    Chancellor 38
    Rook 36
    Sylvia 32
    There are 3 Finas for your convenience.
    I plan to build a Feng Yan, will update as needed.

    Additional Info.

    Paypal please, it's the only thing I can use :)

    As I stated before, I will keep working on the account to farm rubies and more important resources, I'll finish building important units and update asap.

    Either leave a message here, or contact me VIA line (luzinaii) which I will more likely see and respond to.

    Otherwise, I hope you have a good day. I will very likely accept offers higher than 300$.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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