Level: 48 Masteries: Fully Complete Weekly Arena Division: Master/ 4400+ Special Heroes 4 Lords: 40 Lu Bu (I have an extra 4* ), Ace 38 Wukong 34 Karma, Rin, 32 Teo, Klahan Special Heroes Seven Knights: 40 Spike 36 Dellon 34 Jave, Eileene(1 extra Eileen to make 34) 32 Rachel(1 extra to make 32) 5* Rudy Common Heroes: 40 +7 Awk. Evan 40 +5 Awk. Karin 40 Pascal 40 Da Qiao 40 Giparang 40 Shane 40 Espada 40 Nezha 40 Bi Dam 40 Guan Yu 40 Ming Ming 40 Alice 34 Bai Jao 32 Yu Shin 6* 30 Karon, Sieg, Chancellor (+5 additional 4* & 5* Chancellor's that can take him to lvl 40 that I have been saving for reflect meta when his awaken comes) I have a Leah & Fina as well as 2 6* rice cakes and a 6* power up crystal for your convenience ETC. FL 128 In Celestial Tower. 212 TOA Points as well a guardian ring that is equipped on Ace. . . I typically go to Master's every week in arena and stop around 4400+; I will be accepting offers for $250 or above. If you are interested then feel free to contact me on here or contact me on my (Line ID: sousko ) and I will get to you with a response as soon as possible. Thank you, have a good day.