Sold Global account 110k gems S. Tamaki + Makoto Hatsune, ecc. + 126 summon tickets

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nebiros78, 8/13/21.

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  1. Nebiros78

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    110 k gems + 126 summons, to be full prepared for future prefest (for Christina and other top tier units)

    MAKOTO is not in these images because I found her 2 days after the topic, but I can send the new image if you want!

    The new Summer Tamaki included and full materials to upgrade her (1253 amulets).

    With a lot of 5 stars heroes, and almost everything (Djita is near to 145 shards), we will have a top tier account, ready to conquer the peak in every content!

    Price: 210 euro...

    Global account 110k gems S. Tamaki + Makoto Hatsune, ecc. + 126 summon tickets
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