Selling Global Account 1 EA 20 Awa 4 Awa Pets and more

Discussion in 'Soul Seeker Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trylb, 5/1/17.

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  1. Trylb

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    Selling my global soul seeker account

    44 ea tami oath/FG
    3x Matching 4* runes
    44 riu oath
    2x matching 4* runes 1 matching 3*
    44 Shana oath
    1x matching 4* 2 x matching 3*
    44 Sirin oath
    3x Matching 4* runes
    44 liana oath
    2x Matching 4* runes 1x matching 3*
    42 Lana oath
    3x matching 4* runes
    42 zebram oath
    2x Matching 4* runes 1x matching 3*
    42 ciel oath
    3x Matching 3*
    42 orga GP
    2x Matching 4* runes 1x matching 3*
    40 Warren oath
    1x Matching 4* runes 2x matching 3*
    40 Evan SI
    3x Matching 3*
    38 erin oath
    1x Matching 4* 2x matching 3*
    36 ramia oath
    3x Matching 3*
    36 Siara GP
    3x Matching 4*
    34 Mithy
    1x matching 4* 2x matching 3*
    34 Alex
    32 Deborah OD
    30 yuno oath
    3x matching 3*
    30 Yuria
    30 warp
    30 Angeles

    1600 gems 50 rubies and 2 mins

    Line is trylb for Screenshots or information.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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