I'm offering my ship to sell on Global 7 server. Here are the things what you have to know about the ship: General: Level 27 Top100 ship More than 400million EP More than 200million ELP 70 days voodoo priest At least 40 days level 3 trainers Canons: 100 Painbringer lvl0 90 Devastator lvl3 200 Firestorm lvl2 100 Doomhammer lvl3 50 Doomhammer lvl2 130 Admiral canno Some Voodoo cannon from lvl0-lvl3 Skillpoints Nearly full Expansions: 16 Storm Lantern lvl3 10 Reinforced Ribs lvl3 8 Rowboat lvl1 Castles: Screenshot by Lightshot Boosters: Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Ammos: http://prntscr.com/ky7okj Write me for more informations!
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