global lv 22~ Mid/end game : 8-14 cleared Still tons of solar flare from spire & extra chap #2&3 10x 6 ⭐ ⚡Michael (dupe 1) ⚡Gronru, ⚡Irridon ⚡Eve Sariel Carleen Migard Nikinis Eicy Have all beginner 6⭐ converter & healers easy team building Full Thunder team ⚡ ready Nemesis dupe 2 Philishy available from gacha 10 stamina pots & event ready Acc will be progressed and maintained Never top up, F2P Bound to dummy gmail Paypal fnf 50$ or feel free to offer Discord : FrozenToffu#0928... Global 10x 6 ⭐ Full ⚡ Team + Carleen Eve Migard & 4 converter