Gladiator 65 & Cleric 61 EU(Anuhart server,Asmodian) WTS aion account,gg gladiator lvl. 65,GG Cleric lvl 61,Ranger lvl 45 & Assasin lvl 51 on same account. Gladiator lvl 65,Soldier Rank 1 abyss Points 218k PvP Set:Kahrun Spear +10(Para 5s) fused with c2 60 full Crit manastone, Storm Wings BM helm BM armor +10 full Crit Kariff`s Graves +2 3 Accuracy,2 crit Antro Sabots+2 full Crit Kariff`s Gauntlet+2 1xAtack,4 Crit Kariff`s Shoulderplate+2 1xCrit,3Xatack +5,1xatack and parry ALL accessory is Archon Commander`s+War Necklace of Strike. PvE Set FUll Kahrun set +2 with HP and Crit,Kahrun Accesory, 1787 Courage insignia,37743 Crucible Insignia 7xMithril Medal 12XCeranium Medallion 29XAncient COin 132XBM 411xKahrun`s Symbol 60xLegion Coin 88xGuestPetal 271xCippo Jelly 400 Horned Dragon Emperon Food Long Sleeved Seduction Wedding Dress/Tuxedo Hot Swimwear Some Scrolls 18xShugo Coin Cleric lvl 61,Army 3-star Officer with 1.157k AP PvP Sets:Archon Captain`s Maul+11 full MB(Silance 8s) Kahrun `s Peace Staff+6 full M Accuracy,fused with C2 60(silence 8s) Colloseum Champions Cudgel Full MB Sprimal Spirit CHain Hood Antro`s Captain Hood Antro`s Hauberk+6 3xHP,2xMR Divine Coliseum Champions Legging`s +1 Full MR Antro`s Brogans+1 FUll MR Antro`s Spaulders +1 3xHP,2xMR Antor`s Handguards +2 3xHP.2xMR Archon Commander`s neck,2xEarrings,2xRings Archon Brigade Sash Anto`s Shield +3 Full MR Antro`s CHausses+1 1xMR Pve Stes:Full Kahrun for Healing+Stormwings Sheild +1 Full HP 35kk Kinah 900xNokara Herb Sushi 300xTasty Sky Dragon Emperor's Savory Food STigma Healing & Atack Kahrun Wings Skafir`s Wings Feather. Black Cloud Wings Wing Feather of Magic Scrolls 6k Courage Insignia,4768 Crucible Insignia 58 BM 28xMithril Medal 81xLEgion Coin 440xKahrun Symbol Ranger lvl 45 Shadedrenched Bow+10 Full Crit(gs reduce target speed) Accesory lvl 30 Abyss PvP Armor lvl 30 Abyss 4 piece full Crit,1 piece full Atack,2 piece +15,1 piece +12,1 piece +11,1 piece +10 16xMajor Crowns 450xCippo Aether Jelly Gulare`s Bow Stately Coliseum Champion's Boots+4 2xHP,3xCrit Genium`s Jerkin KAriff Vembrance 4kk Kinah Assasin lvl 51 Elder Sword(Inflict 3760 Damange) ful lAtack Elder Dagger(Inflict Damange) Full atack I am original owner of the account so i will provide to buyer original e-mail of this account,password and PIN numbers of characters. Buy out price is 380 € but you can send me your best offers and ask for any other information on my e-mail: [email protected]