Sold [GL] - Hibiki + Iori + Tsurugi + Tsubaki Starter 25

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Minuette, 11/9/21.

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  1. Minuette

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    Looking to sell the above account

    Only the tutorial + the 3x multi pull was used and the story has been left untouched

    The account is a guest account so can bind to whatever platform you would like

    Payment will be through PayPal F&F, buyer first, and am looking for around $25 for the account but am willing to negotiate

    PM me on here or on discord if interested or have any additional questions! Dr NaRwHaL PhD#7824
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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