Hello! This account was a side account that I rolled for fun that has been pretty blessed with RNG. Serious offers only, you can offer as a post (But you can pm me as well). The sale needs to be done through Paypal. I'd prefer if we used a trusted middleman. I do sell stuff on reddit that I can link to as well (In private) if that helps any credibility. Anywho onto the account You'll notice the lapis in the screenshot shows 0. That's because it's a screenshot on the amazon app store version (was getting the 3 free tickets). I mainly play from the android app store. Notable things about the account I have 3140 lapis. 130 Friend Slots 85 Unit Slots 130 Materia Slots 55 Equipment Slots Event Items: Vernard Mighty Hammer Twin Lance Death playerup.com Lad Mirazh Creepy Mask Dark Helm Candy Basket Black Cat Lid TMR Items: Excalibur x2 Brave Suit Power Of Creation Whatever Karl's TMR is 5* Base Units: Ramza, Luneth, Noctis 6* Compatible Units : Cecil(x3), Bartz, Refia, Notable/Future Proof Units: Tilith, Garland, WoL, Agrias (x2) Shantotto(TMR)(x10), Arc(TMR)x6 Luneth Can break 630 ATK with current gear. But I've split it between him and noctis (They're both over 500) to help with overall damage. Currently TMR Farming: Ring of the Lucii Twenty Sided Dice DoubleHand Celestial Gloves Black Cowl Up to date on the story Currently up to B-5 INT in the Colosseum (Currently working on that to farm lapis) The account is linked to a dummy FB account. Thank you for looking!
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