I have rerolled a lot recently and decide to sell some of my lightly played accounts cheap and fast! Please PM me if interested. Accept payment via PayPal. Acc#01 - lv28 - $30 Luneth (MAX Lvl) Others: WoL, Chizurux 3, Hope, Vanille, Mercedes, Krile, Bartz, Exdeath, Arc, Vaan, etc. TMR units: Chizuru x3, Ludmille, Zidane, Miyuki x 2 Units: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By...2RMYVA2NlpNRkU Luneth: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By...EVQTjBWMVptSkU Acc#02 - Lv27 - $25 Lightning (MAXLvl) Others: Chizuru x 2,Exdeath x 2, Cecil x 3, Mercedes, Bartz, Krile, etc. TMR units: Ludmille,Zidane, Miyuki Units: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By...21nc2gzOENaQlU Lightning: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By...EpvU3ltYVE5ZWs