Giving GunZ # For DC Account

Discussion in 'Drift City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 6/30/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Intro: Hi I am drivin from drivin4hacks, i make gunz hacks lol. Umm and im looking for a dc account.

    Reqs: Lvl 71 +

    Mito: 1 mil +

    Reward: I will give you a gunZ #, with the following functions, this is an exact quote of what i said in my v.i.p section

    51 Functions are there


    New Features

    /squeston- Turns Smart Quest On (This Is A Beta Version. Do in Gameroom) /asurvival - Turns Auto Survival On (Beta Version. Do in Gameroom) /squestoff - Will Turn Smart Quest, And Auto Survival Off /chandelay - will set the delay for chan spam (Recommended 300) /chanspam /chancuss /rsdelay - This Will Set the delay For Rapeshot (Do 1 for lol epicness) /rapeshot - Will turn rapeshot on (right click after activate to use. Note this works best on shot guns) /announce - Will announce the message to all channels /gravity - Set the gravity to that number (will not work for numbers 7 or greater, or 0 or less) /gravityoff - Will turn gravity off /cam - cam mode (the one which you see when you die in a tdm, that camera) /dm - Will make the room a deathmatch (type in game) /tdm - Will make The room a tdm /type - will make the room quest, survival, training, etc.. depending on the number, the numbers are at the bottom (type in game) /killnpc - will kill the npc's in the quest /pg13 - will buy 25 pg 13's /rec - if you are making a vid, this will movie you into a camera mode. /bf - will do a whatever bf depending on the # (turn bf on (alt + b) to use it, right click after on to use)

    Fixed Functions

    /female - will create a female character /nokick - type this in when some one kicks you. (i would macro it. Options -> macro -> type in it for one of the macros, this way you dont have to keep typing /nokick)

    Old Functions

    Alt + F = FlameOn Alt + C = AC-130 (after activated press num pad 0 to go into camera view, then numpad 1 to return to regualr view. And wen i camera mode left click to spam rockets. MUST HAVE ROCKTS OUT/ON, SWITCH TO ROCKETS **hint hide in the wall Alt + Y = GhostMode Alt + J = Lungemower(if you dont know what this is, flip some 1 you will c what happens , btw its has an awsome range) Alt + X = Spawnmower Alt + M = Insane Massives Alt + N = Ninja Jump (use spacebar after activated) Alt + G = Godmode Alt + L = Lawnmower Alt + V = Tauntmower Alt + S = Sepeed # Alt + W = Wall # HOME = Save location END = goto saved location PAGE UP = Go UP PAGE DOWN = Go Down _________________________________ ChatCommands: /spam - ingame spam, to stop type /spam off /leave - Instantly leaves to loby /start - lol just starts your game /whisper - whisper spam ( you wont see your self spam, they will thou) /male - Create a male character /refill - this will refill both hp and ap /die - kills you /respawn - respawns you /create

    - creates a room when the specified room name and pass /cuss - in game cuss /rejoin - rejoins the room /map - type when the game hasnt started, and you are in the gameroom with everybody else you can change their map, withought being the master, and they will be like WTF, look below for map names(syntax)) /killcam - when you use the respawn in a tdm, or clanwar, you spawn with a cam on you, this will kill it /where - tells you exactly where a person in GunZ is /addfriend - adds the friend /clan - for the members you have to pick some 1 who is in the loby, and not in a clan alredy, once you press enter, it will create the clan, by FORCING them to accept.xD /force - will force the member in to your clan, but they must be in loby, and not alredy in a clan /ghost - you will see your slef normal, but others will c just a shadow, on the floor xD /icon - lulzy chat icon. ( to deactivate type it again and do something (slash, jump etc..)) /sethp - sets your hp to the number specified /setap - sets your ap to the number specified /rereload - reload spam

    I will update it every time gunZ updates, i will give you 6 months of updates
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