How to Report a Dispute Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened Example: august 26, 2018 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $120 USD 4. Other Parties Username choi jonghun 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment credit card 6. Other Parties Email Addresses 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address 8. Other Parties Messenger Username 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below I paid for the account transaction. My order number is 893701776. However, the account was already sold to someone else, and I asked for a refund. The middleman informed me that the refund was completed within a few days without even giving a reply. But even if I wait a few more days, my money is not coming back. Is it because I am an overseas customer and roughly doing the job? Will you give money later on purpose? If I do not give back my money right now, I will take legal action. When I contacted the card company, they did not send the purchase slip yet. If you get a refund, you will not trade again with your company.
For your records: As you can see, you were never charged. You authorized the charge but we never billed you or settled the charge so it auto voided. Tell your bank to release the hold from your account. This is not an issue on our end but them they need to remove the pending hold.