Selling  1 Email  Non PVA Account(s)  1-60 Minutes GitHub Student All Benefits Developer Pack Valid Up to 4 Years

Discussion in 'EDU Emails for Sale | Buy & Sell EDU Accounts | Safe & Fast' started by Woodpecker85, 12/16/21.

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  1. Woodpecker85

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    GitHub Student All Benefits Developer Pack Valid Up to 4 Years - All Benefits

    What are the Benefits of Github Education Pack?

    Github Education Pack provides a variety of benefits from its partnerships with software companies across the globe. The pack offers almost $45,000 worth of products and licenses for free to students. They are listed below:-

    - Better Code Hub: Online # analysis service which allows you to check your code with 10 software development guidelines and get immediate reviews and improvements

    - ConfigCat: A feature flag and configuration management service where you can push releases to users without deploying new code. It is best suited for alpha-beta testing or
    soft launches.

    - Cryptolens: A cloud-based software licensing platform

    - Gitpod: It provides an automated and fast online IDE for GitHub

    - Frontend Masters: In-depth JavaScript, Node.js, and front-end engineering courses

    - Icons8: Design resources including icons, UI illustrations, photos, and more

    - LogDNA: A log management platform having seamless integration with your platform and providing live monitoring and log tailing.

    - A domain name registrar and web host providing one free domain to students with Privacy Protection and SSL certificate

    - Browser-based computing environments having no annoying IDE setup or building from prerequisite software

    - Phrase: A cloud-based localization service for translation APIs and enabling localization in your apps

    - PushBots: Scalable push notification system for mobile applications

    - SQL Smash: A better productivity plugin for SQL Server Management Studio

    - TECH: It provides domains for your tech startup, business, event, community, or publication. Best suited for tech-based companies, providing them with a unique TLD suited
    for their purpose.

    - Termius: A cross-platform SSH client for desktop(Win, Linux and macOS and mobile(iOS and Android).

    - TransloadIt: A file uploading and processing service to convert files from any type to any required format, be it images, videos, audios or text/docs.

    - Working Copy: Git client for iOS that clones, edits, commits, pushes, and more

    - Bootstrap Studio: A desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework

    - Microsoft Azure: A set of cloud services by Microsoft to help you build, manage, and deploy applications by giving free credit to students to leverage the power of the cloud to
    run their development workloads

    - Netwise: turnkey data center services for the hosting of critical IT infrastructure systems

    - PomoDone: Pomodoro time-tracking application to eliminate distraction, sharpen focus, and prevent burnout during your work-intensive hours using the Pomodoro Technique.

    - SymfonyCasts: Symfony and PHP video tutorials and code challenges

    - Algolia: A hosted search API that provides support for front-end and back-end frameworks and libraries

    - AWS Educate Program: A reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services brought to you by Amazon Web Services plus free training, and collaboration resources

    - Axosoft: Creator of legendary cross-platform Git client GitKraken and GitKraken Glo task tracking boards that sync in real-time with GitHub Issues

    - Carto: Open and powerful platform for spatial data analysis, visualization, and application creation

    - Datadog: cloud-based infrastructure monitoring

    - DigitalOcean: Simple cloud hosting built for developers with virtual private servers starting from as low as $5/month.Also has support for Kubernetes clusters.

    - Flatiron School: Web coding Bootcamp for launching developers

    - Heroku: A flexible, easy-to-use platform to deploy, run, and manage your apps with one-click deployment options for any framework plus integration with famous repository
    hosting services.

    - Jetbrains: Student Licenses of professional desktop IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and more.

    - Namecheap: Affordable domain registration, hosting, and management

    - Sendgrid: the world's largest cloud-based email delivery platform to attach to your applications

    - Sentry: An error reporting service that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real-time

    - Stripe: A web and mobile payment APIs, built for developers

    View More Pack at:

    ✔ Github Education available for all services.
    ✔ You can change the password.
    ✔ Worldwide Works.
    ✔ 100% guarantee! in case of problems, I am are here to support you.

    For assistance Telegram me:
    #1 Woodpecker85, 12/16/21
    Last edited: 12/16/21
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  2. zxclord123

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    Studying abroad is so exciting, but to one point. When I first started studying and getting to know people, I liked everything, but when I started getting writing assignments, I realized that I could not do it myself. Then on the advice of a good friend of mine, I turned to these guys. I was surprised when I got all the answers to my questions and a good grade. For more than two years now I have been consistently turning to Liuxue Savior and I want to recommend them to you, they will definitely help you.
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  4. kammes

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    一篇符合规范的论文一定会有论文摘要,不少同学在遇到摘要方面的问题时也会第一时间联系北美 作业 代 做,我们自然也是为广大客户提供了最优质的服务,解决了他们的问题,接下来我们主要想跟同学们谈一谈,论文摘要有哪些撰写方法。
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  5. kammes

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    工程管理实践的目的是通过对水利工程作业代写的实地考察和技术人员的讲解,了解中国和山东省的水利history;了解水利在国民经济中的重要性;了解传统水利、现代水利和可持续发展水利的含义;了解已建和在建的著名水利工程;了解水利工程的运行和除险加固情况;熟悉土石坝、水闸、渡槽、渠道、倒虹吸、路堤等水工建筑物的功能、布置、组成及对当地经济发展的影响;了解项目建设、组织管理、招投标工作。使学生增加对水利engineering代写的感性认识,巩固students的专业思想,让学生了解专业的培养目标,为下一步学习专业知识打下良好的基础。通过实习,培养students 热烈地爱motherland水利事业、愿意从事水利engineering建设的决心和诚心。
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  6. kammes

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