Selling  Android  High End gintama and WWE all fes (34 fes) endgame account with all meta units

Discussion in 'The King of Fighters All Star Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kamal47@, 8/12/20.

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  1. kamal47@

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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    Buy Now
    All gintama char
    All WWE fes
    34 top tier fes units including
    Nameless SC and awaken
    The rock SC and awaken
    Rock SC and awaken
    Zero awaken with sc
    Adelheid awaken with sc
    Mukai ash Terry awaken all with sc
    Goenitz rugal Vanessa all awaken with sc
    Lady Mr big awaken with sc
    Nest kyo iori with SC
    Saiki with SC
    And I can't remember everyone lol

    2x fes set maxed
    2 /3 on another fes set
    2 Def set
    2 dungeon sets + 1 diff
    A lot of Kula sets
    A lot of Maxima cards
    A lot of 6* cards for char
    Huge chunk of char upgrade resources
    Intererested person may reply
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