~~~~~~~~~~~ Man, I haven't been on in so long. I made a new account under the username "u tried", which where you'll be receiving the items. Offer there, please! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: Fill out the form You'll be PM'd once the item is ready on my MP for you to offer (the coin amount you put in your form). Please don't change your mind once it's up or you'll be on my private blacklist. I'll only be doing a few purchases over 100 gems, the most I have on ONE account is 1,000 and I have several with 200/300 gems and the rest are 30-80 gems. Please wait your turn. Don't offer on items that aren't reserved for you. Form: Items: Username: Cost in coins: Cost in gems: Total: Note: ---- 1:20,000 rate Items over 100 gems get 10% #