Selling GFX - YouTube Logo & Banner And Steam GFX

Discussion in 'Design Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by InsertNameHere, 2/17/17.

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  1. InsertNameHere

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    Hey MCM, to keep this quick i need some minimalist graphics.

    YouTube GFX:
    A YouTube Banner like this:
    And also i need some ideas for a logo, hit me up.

    Steam GFX:
    I'm looking for a steam artwork thing that blends in with the gif and all that (I'm new to it so i dont really get any of it xD) but something like this: Yes ik i can go straight to the GFX designer but ive got a...

    GFX - YouTube Logo & Banner And Steam GFX
    #1 InsertNameHere, 2/17/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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