Selling  Europe   Mihoyo  Male  Original Owner (Yes) Genshin impact main account

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Amjad zidan, 3/18/23.

  1. Amjad zidan

    Amjad zidan
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    My Location:
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    The account contains 14 5* character + 27 4* characters + 2 5* weapons also the account has so many resources to upgrade the characters you like as you can see in picture and most importat is the skill crown, all lvl 90 and 80 characters well builded specially raiden zhongli eula diluc and xiao and many more c6 characters.
    Cause of sell i can't play anymore cause of no more times as i have so many shifts as surgeon so i am gonna sell it with cheap price.
    Linked to mihoyo,google play and ready to give.
    Note the map not fully discovered so there is a chance for high primogems more than 6k. Also hangouts not completed.
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