Selling  North America   Mihoyo   Original Owner (Yes) Genshin 18 5 star account for sale

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by SuperSaiyaFdS, 6/26/22.

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  1. SuperSaiyaFdS

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    My Location:
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    For sale genshin AR57 11 5-star characters and 7 5-star weapons
    Character banner count 20 wishes with character guaranteed 100%
    Inazuma almost unexplored
    unexplored chasm
    Lots of chests to collect

    5 Star Characters: Kazuha Hutao Ganyu Zhongli Albedo Ayaka Jean Dilluc Mona Keqing Qiqi

    Important 4 star characters: Xinqiu c5 xiangling c6 sucrose c5 beidou c6 chongnyu c6
    Characters in total: 33
    5 star weapons and the royale pass: Deathmatch memory of dust Vortex Vanquisher 2 Skyward blade Elegy for the end aquila favoni and skyward atlas

    Reason for selling: I'm selling to pay for my health care and also because I'm tired of playing this game

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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