Selling   Gems for sale 50% off legit no ban 100% guarantee

Discussion in 'The Alchemist Code Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by genesisxxx, 1/4/19.

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  1. genesisxxx

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    Hi i'm currently selling the alchemist code gems for 50% off i'm only selling the 59.99$ bundle or the 99.99$ bundle for half price keep in mind this doesn't use the # method that other people use I use a different method thats more legit because of this there will be no ban as I personally use it on my account for months as for how much gems u will get you will get the same amount u see in the bundles of 59$ and 99$ in ur game so if u didnt purchase the promotion one that gives extra gems a month then thats wat u will get if u purchase that already then u will get the regular amount of gems. This is for android only as the gems won't appear on iOS keep that in mind . Once u make the payment I can deliver within 1 hour depending on how much u buying also I can either login with ur Facebook. or just the regular user code and password either is fine if interested dm here or message me in discord genesisx#1178
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  2. PlayerUp

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