For sale 3M Gems ! - Gems: From $12 per >100k gem.... - Gems: Lower than 100K price 1,8$ per 10K You can buy 10K, 20K, 50K, - no minimal there... Might 100M - 300M : $12 #: From 500k - $0,5$ per 100k From 1M gems: - $1 per 100k ! Very very cheap! ! Delivery NOW! When i'm online! ! Payment: Paypal, I know that im new seller and very hard to trust - but for first transaction you can try with little amount like 10k ;-) Package loading service: $5 + $20 : Price $18 $5 + $20 + $50: Price $60 $5 + $20 + $50 + $100: Price $125 $20 + $50 + $100: Price $120 $100: Price $70 The game account must be linked to the facebook. account! Time: Max 10 minutes! CONTACT: Whatsapp: +48508463425 LINE: lordmisteriks