Gem Fighter Account making TUTORIAL! :D

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Okay. So. You dont know how to make a gem fighter? let me help ya, its not nice to leave people out in the cold :]

    *note* Gem fighter has blocked all american IPs. If you still wish to create a account, ask Zendude to teach you how to bypass the region block. Other then that, this regestration guide works fine.[/SIZE]

    Things you need:

    I.E. (the launcher will not work with G.C. or F.F, from what i've gathered :T)

    a KSSN* (generator will not work).

    Some time

    a Email

    and if you want the Korean Language pack.

    *Get a KSSN (NOTE: KSSN generators will not work). GET YOUR OWN!!! you need it for:

    a. making a account

    b. Selling things on your account.

    now, we begin the tutorial.


    *if you have, skip to step 5.

    1. Go to the Gem Fighter website. if you cant find it, here it is. (*****************************************************)

    2. on the left hand side of the web page, there will be a box that looks like its for User and pass.

    3. Underneath that, there should be a orange box. Click that box for download. Then, you scroll down until you see a big green button. Clicky click!

    4. After you download the set up, open it up. A gray set up box should appear. There should be two more green buttons underneath. Press the left one to set up and the right one to cancel.

    5. Now we need to make a account. On the Login box, there should be two grayish buttons underneath it. Click on the one to the left.

    6. a new tab/window should open up. There should be two more boxes, both with faces. The box on the left are for the people over 14, and the box on the right under, but click the box on the left, to be sure.

    7. Check all the check boxes under the text. then press the green button on the bottom

    8. there should be three boxes, one to the left, and two to the right, seperated by a dash. in the left box, put in the name of the korean kssn owner, the ENTIRE NAME, and in the right box, you need the KSSN. your kssn should be 13 numbers, so put 6 in the left box and put 7 in the right.

    9. Press the bottom right button, which should have a couple of black korean characters and then some orange.

    10. that should open a new page. Fill in info for your account. Here is how to fill in. top to bottom.

    A. there should be the korean name you put in here.

    B. Thats the ID you are going to log in with.

    C. Nick Name

    D. Password to log in with

    E. Confirm Password

    F. Security Question in the white box. The box right below is yoru answer.

    G. Email. Simple enough

    H. Phone Number. look it up yourself, or put some random stuff here.

    I. Check this box if you want your email spammed with korean stuff x .x

    11. If you did this right, you should come up to a new page. Scroll down a tiny bit and there should be another green button. Clicky click!

    12. You should be redirected to the Gem Fighter homepage. On the log in box, there should be two button thingies a little above where you type your user. Click the one on the right (to prevent ERROR #812)

    13. then you type your info (user and pass) and press the big LOGIN button.

    14. You should have logged in. Press game start, but it'll direct you to another page. There, you type in a new nickname. Then, You're all set! PRESS GAME START :D!!!

    15. A black box should pop up. Click the bottom right text. it should be white. After, another black box should appear, with a rumble fighter character on it. wait for it to load, then pres the bottom right hand button, should be black and yellow.

    16. if the game doesn't start, use your I.E.. First you need to download a launcher from the site, so after you press game start, allow the site to download something.

    16. when it finishes, your all set :D


    What you need. . .

    YOUR (someones) KSSN!!!

    NOTE: you may only do this once you have reached level 6 on your Gem FIghter Character.

    1. go to the Gem fighter web page. On the top right part of the webpage, there should be somet
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