Selling Gear (Titanium Blades, Alpha Bull, 457 mag and more)

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by imlinger, 7/30/14.

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  1. imlinger

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    Haven't played this game in ages looking to sell the following equipment cheap around $40 paypal for the all of it Or best offer. Also comes with all the ammo and extras my character has. Willing to accept trade offers but prefer paypal. Add me on skype for fastest response to work out a deal or verify anything with me. Skype name "Ninjabeee" (with three e's) Stuff is a must sell so offer me if you like.

    Titanium blades
    +7 accuracy
    +3 Reload
    +8 critical hit

    Alpha Bull
    +6 accuracy
    +7 reload
    +8 critical hit

    475 magnum
    +3 accuracy
    +8 reload
    +8 critical hit

    grey exterminator mesh GT
    24 agility
    24 endurance

    Exterminator mask
    Trench coat

    Stell AUG
    +3 accuracy
    +5 reload
    +8 crit hit
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