Hello! I am trying to trade / sell my GE3 account (only for full16). Account Details: Server: GE3/SK1/SK2/HU1 Rank: Chief Major Level: 24 EXP: 64.9xxx.xxx.xxx Honor: 1.60x.xxx.xxx Credits: 22.xxx.xxx.xxx Uridium: ~300k+ PP: 50/50 PVP w/ Honor and Mine range Payment: Hungarian Munition: X2: ~39 mio X3: ~11 mio X4: ~9.6 mio SAB: ~24.5 mio CBO-100: 1.4mio RSB: 60k VB: 110k A-BL: 89k IBD: 36k EMP: 118 ISH: ~8900 DCR: 4700 SR-5: 29k PLD-8: 102k 3030: 126k 2021: 1.1mio HSTRM 231k SAR02: 588k UBR 20k Slowmine 70k sab mine 37k dmg mine 36k EMP mine 34k Equipments: Prometheus: 47, lvl11: 16, lvl10: 19 rest lvl6 HP LF4: 6 MD LF4: 11 PD LF4: 8 LF4: 113 Rocket Launcher: 1 lvl 16 1 lvl3 SG3N-B02 10 lvl10, SG3N-B03: 20 lvl 16 Drones: 10 Drones lvl 16 All formations exc.: baricade, double arrow, dome Havoc: 43 Hercules: 10 Spartan: 10 Silver Demon: 14 Demon Elite: 6 P.E.T. Full Unlocks LVL3-4 gears, lvl3-4 protocols Megamine Ships/Designs: Sentinel: Argon, Asimov Hammerclaw: Carbonite C-Elite Spectrum: Dusklight, Blaze, Artic, I, Lava, legend, Ocean Hecate Cyborg: Inferno, Asimov, Firestar, Frozen, Lava G Champion: Legend, Lava, Hungary, Slovakia Pusat: legend, I, Poison Solace: Argon, Poison, Borealis Retiarus Surgeon: Cicada Venom Borealis, Blaze Diminisher Goli-X: Borealis, Ocean Tartarus: Poison, Ocean Psyche Solaris Zephyr Aegis Razer Goliath, Nostromo Spearhed, S-elite G-: Goal, Kick, Peacemaker, Referee, Saturn, Sovereign, Vanquisher, Veteran, Exalted, Enforcer, Centaur, Bastion 4 big missions left, all started and almost completed. SOME DETAILS MIGHT CHANGE AS I PLAY WITH THE ACCOUNT EVERYDAY! Feel free to ask any questions, I am looking for GE3 full 16 accounts only for trade.