Looking at around 180 USD For this good account that I have spent my time and effort on it to build it up. Rank: Silver Knight C Rank: 100+ T Rank: 2000+ Winning Rate: 85% GP: 104,000+ Gold: 50,000,000+ (My gold is enough for you to use for the whole life time of gunbound) No bad record. I have all gold background and ex. also included some cash and some from event. I have the Grand Prix 2nd place background. I also have all the expandable item. Some of the good avatar I have include: [For attack game] [Head] Air plane (Rare avatar), Aircraft (Rare avatar), Seon Nyo (Cash), Nyx Khan (Cash & rare avatar), Lion Unicorn (Rare avatar), Korean Ghost (Cash), Napoleon [Level 3] (Gold), Guerrero Inca (Gold), Zombie (Gold), Chinese General (Cash), Nyx hero [Level 4] (Cash & rare avatar) [Body] Seon Nyo (cash), Nyx Khan (Cash & rare avatar), Napoleon (Gold), Zombie (Gold), Guardsman (Cash) [Glasses] Red Phoenix [Level 3] (Cash & rare avatar), Ave Inca(Cash), Korean Ghost(Cash), Pet-AD (Gold), Silver Hawk (Gold) [Flag] Lantern(Rare avatar), Death(Rare avatar), Ent [Level 4] (Cash), Witch Broom (Cash & rare avatar), Valentine Candy [Level 3] (Cash and Rare avatar), Witch Book (Cash & rare avatar), Robot X (Gold), Miracle stick (Rare avatar), Mobile flag series include: A.State, Aduka, Armor, J.Frog, Kalsiddon, Trico, Wolf, Dragon [Level 4], Knight [Level 4] [For bunge game] [Head] Butter Fly (Highest dig for head), Nyx hero [Level 4] (Cash, rare avatar and also high in Dig and Delay), Cyber Rabbit (Gold) [Body] Black Coat (Gold), Teletuby (Gold), Rocker Suit (Gold), Arabian Prince (Gold), Cyber Rabbit (Gold), Peacock S (Gold) [Glasses] M.Sunglasses (Gold), Pop Galore (Gold, high in delay), Senta Penguin (Gold), Dizzy Glasses (Gold), Turtle Snake (rare avatar), Wreath Avatar (Gold, high in dig) [Flag] Bikini Tube (Gold), Knight [Level 4] (Cash and rare avatar), Bazooka (Gold), Lantern(Rare avatar), Halloween Wreath (Gold, all stats +10 except for defence and popularity) Rare avatar collection include: [Christmas Event] Christmas Flag: Santa sock, Christmas 2007, Korean Gunba Christmas Glasses: Christmas 2007 (1), Christmas 2007 (2) Christmas Set: Snowman set, Santa set Christmas Background: Christmas 2005, Christmas 2006, Desert Dubai, Thunder Bolt Christmas Ex item: Christmas 2005 [Birthday Event] Birthday Flag: Milk Cow, Sheep Birthday Glasses: Birthday Toy, Shogun glasses Birthday Set: Birthday 2007, Indian boy set, Shogun set Birthday Background: Happy Birthday, Merry-go-round [Valentine Event] Valentine Flag: Valentine Chocolate, Valentine Candy [Level 3], Heart Stick, Love Arrow, Love Bow, Valentine Cake Valentine Glasses: Valentine 2007 Valentine Set: Fish worrior set, Chinese pierrot set Valentine Background & Ex item: Valentine 2007 (1), Valentine 2007 (2), Valentine 2007(3) Valentine Ex item: Valentine 2007 (1), Valentine 2007 (2), Valentine 2007 (3) [Halloween Event] Halloween Flag: Movie Star, Chairman, Holy Grail, Camel Stick, Wood Elf, Boomerank, Octo Stick, Tutankamen2, Drun Bomb, Dark Elf Sword Halloween Glasses:Fire Bolt, Gun Smith Halloween Set: Mammoth Worrior set Halloween Background: Volcano 2007, Santorini, Jack-o-lentern, G.frog, Rio Tinto, Lightning Cloud Halloween Ex item: Giftbox, Rainbow Sherbet [Cool Summer Event] Cool Summer Vacation Flag: Cartoon Sword, Magic Baton, Tickerbell, Peter Pan Cool Summer Vacation Glasses: Charm, Brush Cool Summer Vacation Set: Chick set, Pipi set, Ailen Worrior set, Eagle Mask set Cool Summer Vacation Background: Clean Lake, Car Model Cool Summer Vacation Ex item: Spray Boy, White duck, Brillante, Gardian Angel [May Queen Event] May Queen Set: Flower Leaf set [Thanksgiving Event] Thanksgiving Glasses: Nightmare, Scream [Others Event] Others Flag: Battle Axe, Silver Axe, Strawberry, Grape, Taurus Sword, Taurus Hammer, Witch Stick, Metor, VIVA Peru Others Glasses: Athena, Neo Venus, Musketeer Others Set:VIVA Peru set Others B