Sold GBF Starter account: 3 Zodiacs + Mahira SD, Seasonals

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Mashyjang, 7/27/19.

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  1. /u/Mashyjang

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    Hi, I am looking to sell the following alt account since its just gathering dust after I bought it and never ended up using it. This is a 4 Zodiac starter if you choose to get Mahira with the SD.

    Album Link:

    Notable SSRs: Characters: Anila, Vajra, Khumbira, Shiva, S.Grea, Alexiel, Cain, S.Rosetta, S.Seig, S.Zeta, G.Vira, C.Matera, C.Mary

    Summons: Shiva, Titan, Zeph

    Pm me offers here or - My discord is: Kurumu#7761

    Payment will be paypal F+F

    Thanks and have a good day!

    # #/Mashyjang
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