Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Raphiel_19, 2/28/21.

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  1. /u/Raphiel_19

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    Raphiel's Farming Services

    Weapon Farming

    Magna 1
    $1 per Weapon drop

    Magna 2
    $2 per Weapon drop

    Magna 2.5
    $4 per Weapon drop

    Tier 1
    $2 per Weapon drop

    Tier 2
    $2 per Weapon drop

    Tier 3
    $3 per Weapon drop

    $6 per Weapon drop

    6 Dragons Raid (Ancestral Weapons)
    $8 per Weapon Drop


    30 tickets : $7
    60 tickets: $12
    90 tickets: $18

    Solo Quests:

    Weekend Slime; Campaign-Exclusive Quest; Angel Halo.
    $1.5 per hour

    Dragon Scales:
    $3 per 500 Scales

    Flawed Prisms:
    $2 per 500 Flawed prisms

    Rainbow Prisms
    $10 per 500 prisms

    1,000 whorls : $5
    20,000 whorls : $70

    Pride of the Ascendant Clears:

    Proud: $6
    Proud+: $10

    Unite and Fight/Guild War Boxing:

    44 Boxes OTK EX+ with 5 or less buttons: 20$
    44 Boxes OTK EX+ with 5~10 button : 30$

    Top 70k Individuals: $60
    1 billion honors: $80
    Assuming decent grids. I'll tell you if it's not possible or worth beforehand.

    I also provide custom honor farming services. Prices will depend on grid and characters.

    Dread Barrage:

    140 Mil Individual Honors+ 1000 badges $20

    Story Events:

    4 Boxes and 6 mil honors : $3
    10 Boxes : $8
    20 Boxes : $15
    Custom prices for 20 boxes and above. Depending on grids and characters

    Treasure Trade Events

    ROTB: $0.5 per golden nugget; 1$ per weapon; $22 for all seals;
    DM me for custom requests.

    Reruns/Collabs: $8
    (Includes Arcarum Points; Rings; half Elixirs; Berries; Dama Crystals; Steel Brick; Draw Tickets.)
    Weapons and summons charged separately.

    Xenos: $12 (includes both weapons at 4* and 4 summon)

    Proving Grounds: $10 (includes All honor and badge rewards)
    Proud and Proud+ clears charged separately as they heavily dependent on your grids and characters.

    Damascus Grains:

    $0.5 per Grain

    Gold Bricks:

    $50 per brick
    Method: Akasha, BHL or GOHL. It will depend heavily on accessibility of grid and characters.

    DM me for any custom requests.

    Terms of use for this Service:
    1. The buyer will make the payment first. PayPal Friends & Family or PayPal Goods & Services + Taxes.
    2. The buyer will provide their account ID & Password.
    3. Absolutely no usage of # or any 3rd Party Apps.
    4. Give me a decent amount of time to farm. I'll tell you beforehand if your request is impossible.

    DM me for any questions. Discord: Raphi#0197

    # #/Raphiel_19
    # .
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