Sold GBF Codes

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/lqd1337, 1/3/21.

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  1. /u/lqd1337

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    Gold brick, Sunlight Stone, Sephira Evolite, & Damascus Crystal(10) [Pick One] - SOLD

    1000x Crystals - $5

    DLC Codes - Narmaya, Soriz, Djeeta, Zooey, Cag, Yuel - $9

    Astral Wep +1 - $7

    Belial - SOLD

    **Will sell all DLC codes + Astral + 1000x Crystals for $50**

    I can be reached on Discord if interested lawlquid#1551

    Paypal only F&F

    # #/lqd1337
    # .
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