Selling Gameloft suck in ios he can take lvl 70 in next...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Marc Baudry, 2/28/13.

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  1. Marc Baudry

    Marc Baudry
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    Gameloft suck in ios he can take lvl 70 in next uptad....
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    Lol you do realize that that was a fake a player trolled he photoshoped the picture look on youtube it says 2011 in the bottom witch means the picture is old and no admin or gameloft dev has announced that an update is in the works witch they allways do and the pop up banner was made by a program its all fake confirmed since the troll said he's friends in austrailia got it the youtuber that posted it (arcaneknight) went to Australian ios store and no update was available so its all fake and lies there update was supposed to be released today 3-5 hours ago never happened so its 100% fake hope this helps.
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    Marc Baudry

    Marc Baudry
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    Andrea Armeli Gricio

    Andrea Armeli Gricio
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    love you. Gameloft in Android
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    Stephan van den Hoek

    Stephan van den Hoek
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    Lol Adrian ur true. But but u forget one thing. Mary from game loft already said there will be an lvl cap increase. And I don't think android will be hat lvl cap first just cus of all the updates were behind. So trileur has right.. Ios get cap increase in next update. 100% sure.
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    Mary said yes but her last post on forums was this Feb and that was about OaC winning mmo moblie of the year award she mentioned this like idk April 2012 if I remember correctly and IOS has had 3 updates since then and gameloft or Sara witch is the main admin/dev that posts about updates she hasn't written anything so I highly doubt they will get lvl cap next update in the next few months yes maybe but still when Mary said this it wasn't decided yet and they update the game as I said 3 times after she said that and no cap has been increased yet so no I dont think its gonna happen in the next update for IOS because gameloft allways announces when new update is in the works since this one was a big fake there hasn't been any officall 100% annoucment yet.
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    Marc Baudry

    Marc Baudry
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    Is no 100% just 99,9% xD
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    Lol today it didn't come out either for IOS gameloft hasn't said anything and the youtuber has got a lot of comments saying that someone # the notifications because all ios got another message lvl 70 cap! Go love you yourself that's what he said he got in his video lol xD
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    Ps the youtuber is 2by4hourhardcore
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