Sold Game of war account for sale SPICA #38 SH 18...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daniel Chung, 8/27/14.

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  1. Daniel Chung

    Daniel Chung
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    Game of war account for sale SPICA #38 SH 18 20MIL POWER Hero lvl 48 VIP lvl 10 Gold 35k TROOPS 430K T2-hosplites 23k -skirmish arches 26k -light cab 26k -ballista 27k T3-armored pikemen 74k -guardians 72k -comp cav 70k siege 60k STRATEGIC TROOPS T3-phalangite 20k -stalkers 15k -lancers 15k BUILDINGS -hosp- 6 x lvl 17 2 x lvl 18 -villia- 4 x lvl 18 2 x lvl 17 -watch tower- lvl 18 -baracks- 1 x 16 1 x 17 1 x 18 -embassy- lvl 17 -store house- lvl 18 -academy- lvl 18 -market place- lvl 18 gymos lvl 18 -walls lvl 17 -forge lvl 18 -prison lvl 6 -hall of wall lvl 8 -farms 8 x lvl 18 -mines 5 x lvl 18 -logs 5 x lvl 18 -quarries 6 x lvl 18 RESEARCH HERO= eng recovery 5/10, march speed 5/10, hero crit hit 5/10, hero atk streak 5/10, eng cost reduction 5/10, eng recovery 2 5/10 hero atk 5/10, hero crit hit 2 5/10, monster lvl 3 1/, trap atk 3/10, max eng limit 3/10 trap defense 3/10 COMBAT= scouting 8/10, infanty, raged and cav atk all 7/10, infantry, raged and cav defense all 6/10 All T2 and T3 completed, troop health 3/10 troop defense 3/10 STRATEGIC COMBAT=all atk 4/10 and all defenses 4/10, troop health 5/10 troop defines 2/10 all T2 and T3 completed. WALL TRAPS= all T1 T2 T3 complete, trap def 7/10 trap atk 7/10 STRATEGIC WALL TRAPS=T1 T2 T3 all complete def 5/10 atk 5/10 ECONOMICS= construction 8/10, stone 7/10 food 8/10 ore 7/10 wood 8/10 troop load 7/10 march speed 7/10 gathering 7/10 gold gathering 6/10 WALL TRAPS= ALL T3 TRAPS -catapult 17k -caltrops 11k -burning rocks 19k SPECIAL ITEMS -30 min vip x 41 -24hr food boost x 35 -24hr wood boost x 28 -24hr stone boost x30 -24hr ore boost x 32 -24hr silver boost x 30 -7 day boosts x 22 x 10 x 7 x 5 -60min vip x40 -daily chance x 9 -allaince chance x 9 -random port x 3 -adv port x 2 -upkeeps x 13 -gather x 24 -sacrificial dagger x253 -iron shackle x 150 -book of war x631 SPEED UPS -5 MIN X 107 -10 MIN X 116 -15 MIN X 83 -60 MIN X 40 -3 HOUR X 11 -8 HOUR X 27 -15 HOUR X 10 -3 DAY X 1 WINGED BOOTS 25 % X 35 50 % X 8 WAR -24 hr anti scout x 33 -atk boost x 50 -defense boost x 55 -march recall x 64 casino chips = 2mil i will be playing the game until sold, please message with an offer if you are interested i will also be shielded until sold, so all info will be the same.
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  2. OP
    Daniel Chung

    Daniel Chung
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    Benjamin James Anthony Bugeja
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