Sold Game of War account for sale SH21 in K62...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mario Luis Toll Lugo, 9/3/14.

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  1. Mario Luis Toll Lugo

    Mario Luis Toll Lugo
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    Game of War account for sale SH21 in K62 Includes 1 sub account t3 ready with level 48 hero, 5.5M power (mixed rss, produces over 12M rss a day) 3 farms (ore farm that produces over 4M, wood farm that produces over 6M wood and stone farm that produces over 9M stone a day) Account is 72M power, 1.8M kills Over 200K hospital space Has over 1.25M troops -450k armoured pikemen -350k guardians -350k mounted cavalry -100k siege towers -50k mixed t1s -20k phalangalites Buildings -Stronghold 21 -20 Farms (1x21, 3x19, 8x18, 1x16, 7x13) -1x level 21 mine -1x level 21 quarry -1x level 21 logging camp -1x level 4 gold mine -Treasury level 7 -Barracks level 21 (produces 5k t3 in under 20 hours) -Forge 21 -Gymnos 21 -Marketplace 21 -Storage 21 -Embassy 21 -7x hospitals (2x21, 2x20, 3x18) -7x villas (2x21, 5x20) -Watch tower 21 -Walls 21 (Full traps) -Hall of war 21 -Prison 21 -Altar 21 -Academy 21 Hero is level 50 Hero equipment -Hercules helmet purple (for food) -Medusas head purple (for silver) -Rabbit helm green (for construction) -Myrmyllo helm purple (for attacking monsters and farming, has monster related gems) -Leonidas helm purple (for war, level 6 defence gem, level 5 health gem and level 5 trap attack -Hercules armour gold (for war, level 5 trap attack gem, level 5 cavalry attack gem and level 5 infantry attack gem. -Spiked armour purple (for research, level 5 trap attack gem) -Rabbit armour blue (for food) -Dragonscale Breastplate green (serious damage, 1 hour use) Winged Sandals blue (for food) Cerberus Paws purple (for war, level 4 health gem, level 4 troop attack gem, level 5 defence gem) Achilles sandals gold (for war, level 5 hallows gem, level 5 defence gem and level 5 health gem) Sickle purple (for food and farming, has troop load and harvesting gems) Sanga and yasha purple (for war, level 5 infantry gem) Melia's Greatstaff purple (for war, level 6 ranged gem, level 5 infantry gem and level 5 cavalry gem) blue (for research) Haephaestus (for construction) 2x Icarus wings purple (for war and food, both have level 5 health gem, level 5 cavalry, level 4 troop attack, level 6 siege, level 5 trap attack) 1x Icarus win blue (for war and food, has level 4 defence gem, level 5 siege gem and level 5 ranged gem) 3x chalices (2x gold, 1x purple) 3x odyssey (2x purple, 1x blue) Prometheus Boon (trap and troop training boost increase, also has gems for attacking monsters) Research Combat - all at level 9 Economy -construction level 10 -all else other than gold collection is at 9 Wall traps - up to t3 unlocked and defence and attack at 9 Strategic Wall traps -up to t3 unlocked and attack and defence at 9 Strategic combat - all t3 unlocked Hero -up to mastery 3 close to 4 Note: this account has over 70 days in speed ups, endless amounts of rss (plus with farms the account no longer needs to farm), a lot of war items. Also has a lot of materials and gems but if you're interested in a more detailed list please pm me. All the hard yards are done, all that's needed to get to t4 is research. And speed ups are there to help. Price: $2000 AUD O.n.o, make an offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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