Sold Game of War Account for sale SH17 - 10.8m power...

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adam Wong, 7/6/14.

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  1. Adam Wong

    Adam Wong
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    Game of War Account for sale SH17 - 10.8m power - K156 Myra PLUS one farm accounts and one alt account. MAIN ACCOUNT Hero level 44 -VIP level 10 -Gift mode -high roller mode -over 80k gold (70k on hand 10k in the treasury to mature in 12 days time. Troops - 80k++ Armored Pikemen - 83k++ Guardians - 81.9k++ Companion Cavalry - 30k++ Siege Tower Buildings Urban - Hospitals - 3 x lv14, 3 x lv13, 1 x lv12 - Villas - 3 x lv10, 1 x lv11, 1 x lv 12, 1 lv13, 1 lv 14 - Prison- 5 - Watchtower - lv12 - Barracks - 3x lv14 - Embassy - lv8 - Storehouse - lv14 - Academy - lv16 - Marketplace - lv16 - Gymnos - lv10 - Walls - lv16 - Forge - lv16 - Hall of War - lv5 Rural - Mines - 1 x lv16 - Logging Camps - 1 x lv16 - Quarries - 1 x lv16 - Farm - 1 x lv16, 3x lv11 17x lv10 Research Combat - Tier 3 Troops Completed - Scouting - 8/10 - Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack - 6/10 - Infanty/Ranged/Cavalry Defense - 6/10 Wall Traps - Tier 3 Traps Completed - Trap Defense/Attack - 5/10 Strategic Wall Traps - Tier 3 Traps Completed - Strategic Trap Defense/Attack - 1/10 Economics - Construction - 6/10 - Wood/Stone/Food/Ore Production - 1-2/10 - Troop Load - 3/10 - March Speed - 6/10 - Gathering - 7/10 Others- > 1 mil alliance funds. clickable resources more than 2k each. email for more details on alt and farm account special price if take 3 accounts together. [email protected]
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