Game of War Account for sale SH 21 - 48m power - K72 Polis Hero level 50 VIP level 10 Troops 913K T3's - 213.8k Armored Pikemen - 231.1k Guardians - 242.1k Companion Cavalry - 22.6k Siege Tower Buildings Urban - Hospitals - 1x lvl 21, 5x lvl 15, 1x lvl 14, 1x lvl 11 - Villas - 1x lvl 21, 1x lvl 19, 1x lvl 15, 4x level 14. - Altar - lv21 - Watchtower - lv21 - Barracks - lv21 - Embassy - lv21 - Storehouse - lv21 - Academy - LEVEL 21 10 - Infantry/Ranged/Cavalry Attack - 9/8/7 - Infanty/Ranged/Cavalry Defense - 9/8/8 - Siege Attack/Defense - 6/5 - Troop Health/Defense - 8/7 Wall Traps - Tier 3 Traps Completed - Trap Defense/Attack - 9/10 Economics - Construction - 10 - Wood/Stone/Food/Ore Production - 1/9/6/9 - Troop Load/March Speed - 8/8 - Gathering - 8 - Gold Gathering - 6 Special Items - 67.3K Gold - 2x 7 day speed ups - 3x 30 day speed ups - 2x 24 hour speed ups - 1,270x 60 minute speed ups - 1303x 15 minute speed ups - Tons and tons more Legendary Gear - Hercule's Armor (Hero level 50 gear) - Diana's Bow (Hero Level 50 gear) - 3x Glass Vase - 3x Purple Odysseys PS. Please PM or mail me if interested and be ready to be surprised with how cheap I'm offering to sell the account.