Gold mine Lvl 13 Logging camp 5 x L18 Mine 5 x L18 Quarry 5 x L18 Farm 8 x L 18 Hospital 4 x L17 .16 ,16 ,15 Barrack 4 x L18 , 16 .16 .15 (105k T3) Prison 1 x L15 Altar 1 x L5 Villa 6 x L18 Hall of War 1 x L21 (upgrading) Embassy 1 x L21 Walls 1 x L18 Watch tower 1 x L18 Market place 1 x L18 Academy 1 x L18 Storehouse 1 x L18 Forge 1 x L18 Gymnos 1 x L18 Stronghold 1 x L18 200kloyalty funds 13m power. I spent over $800 for these account Just selling for $400 for this account I'm open to reasonable negotiations as well aboazam61@gmail