Selling Game of war account for exchange $700 I want to...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Prince Godsplan, 11/13/17.

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  1. Prince Godsplan

    Prince Godsplan
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    Game of war account for exchange $700 I want to exchange my game of war account for a account , the account is almost maxed and and has enough items to get maxed, You will receive free packs every month if you remain in alliance (photo is 4 weeks old)
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    Andrew Obrien

    Andrew Obrien
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    Accounts aint worth love you anymore
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    Вика Рустамова

    Вика Рустамова
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    Hello, this message is sent once! If you want to return the money spent on the Android devices, our team is ready to help you!!! The return is through Google, and you can return for the last 4 months! You will need this is usually only a Google account (you may need additional information). If you are interested please send a response message, respectively, YES or NO, if you are not interested! If YES, then we will contact you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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