G2A replied to my Dispute after 08 Days

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AGBguy, 8/12/17.

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  1. AGBguy

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    hey guys , 11 days ago i've bought a PSN CARD on G2A , after using it , i opened a dispute on G2A claiming the code was used , the G2A seller asked me to contact PSN SUPPORT and ask when the code was exactly used , i refused i told them it was their problem and not mine since i was protected by G2A Shield , i even sent them a screenshot of the used code , 2 days later G2A closed the case in the seller favor , so i decided to open a claim on paypal saying the same thing that the code was used , they asked me to wait 11 days for the seller to answer after they contacted him , in the 8th day G2A answered to my claim , then paypal asked me to wait till the specialist investigate the case , so guys how long will it take ? and is there any chance i win the case ? i've heared that if G2A answered the buyer has no chance of winning !!
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