Sold [Fully Verified] Discord Tokens (+7 DAYS)

Discussion in 'Discord Tokens for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by discordtokenn, 2/17/22.

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  1. discordtokenn

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    My Location:
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    Fully verified Tokens, verified by e-mail and by phone number, tokens are genned with our own
    generator and our own proxies, they are unflagged by Discord.

    Tokens information

    -Delivered with email:pass:token format.
    Delivered instantly after purchase (10s to 1min).
    -Registered with real address only (, or
    -Perfect for MassDM (+150DMs)
    -Perfect for server boosting or gettiing whitelisted
    -All tokens have a realistic usernames, scraped from biggest legit Discord servers.
    -All tokens have a random profile picture, scraped from the biggest legit Discord servers.
    -Discord : Seyfi#7162
    - Payment Method: eth, sol, btc
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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