Fully loaded 10+ Year BattleNet account: Warcraft+Overwatch+Starcraft+Diablo

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ZeroDawn, 12/28/16.

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  1. ZeroDawn

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    Selling my Battle Net account of 10+ years.
    Comes with Warcraft, Diablo 3, Starcraft II, & every single Hearthstone adventure.

    Some of the Warcraft details:
    7 Max level (110) characters
    4 characters between level 100 & 105
    250k + gold
    270 Pets. Grommloc, Lil' Deathwing, Murkalot, Baneling, Cinder Kitten, Dread Hatchling, Lil' K.T., & Guardian Cub just to name a few.
    140 Toys.
    117 Mounts. Core Hound, Netherdrakes, Shadow-pan Tigers, Invincible, Vicious War Mounts, Winged Guardian, Tyreal's Charger, Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher, Grove Warden, Dread Raven, Mystic Runesaber, Enchanted Fey Dragon, & Headless Horsemen Mount just to name a few.
    12270 Achievement points. (1310 achievements in total out of the 2820 that there are)

    The Hearthstone account has every single adventure unlocked and has tons of rare & golden cards.
    Golden Ysera, Golden Deathwing, Golden Chillmaw, & Golden Malygos just to name a few.

    The Overwatch account comes with a few skins and the Diablo 3 account has a few of the limited edition collectors items that are awarded from other games.

    Accounts similar to this one go for around $2600 on KHaccounts.Net.
    Selling the account for $1900 through Paypal (via gifting option, for obvious reasons)
    Hit me up for Skype and Email information.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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