Sold Full verified Freelancer accounts (Lifetime account ) - Please read carefully

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by soltanimohsen0, 7/25/20.

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  1. soltanimohsen0

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    Hi .
    I have freelancer accounts from United kingdom .
    I provide all of requirements . ( Verified paypal from United kingdom + Phone number )
    If you order , You will receive these :
    1- new email user + password (linked to paypal and )
    2-freelancer user name + password
    3-Paypal user name + Password ( A card is linked to paypal )
    4- A phone panel +user and pass ( You should recharge it evere month -4.99 usd )
    5- A tutorial PDF that teach you how to use account to not banned !! ( All of basic about ip changer and etc ) - If you do these thing you never set your account in limited mood !
    ***Please note that these accounts are for sell (not lend ) - and I don't give remote access - so don't ask about it ***

    Freelancer account features :
    1- accounts are new
    2 - identity verified + phone verified + payment verified + email verified ( Facebook. is not verified - these account are not prefered freelancer accounts

    Paypal account features :
    1- nationality may be every where (Asian or europe ) But your residency is surely United kingdom
    2- A card is linked to Paypal
    3- Paypal is linked to

    Phone account features :
    1- It is a virtual panel - You should recharge it every month for 4.99 USD
    2- You can sign up with this number in several sites
    3- Every SMS you received directly in you Email.

    ----Don't worry about limiting account . If you read PDF and Don't send phone number or etc for employers , never get limited ----

    Payment :
    If you have question this is my skype :

    ****I only deal in this site (playerup ) - It's trustfully site to make deal . So if you want to deal outside of site , I guess you don't want to have a clean deal . ****

    Limits :
    If you have any account that is in limit mood , I can check it and help you ( If lifting limit was possible )

    Please , Please , Please don't send message for enjoyment !!!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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